Sunday, July 26, 2009

Just Haiti

In seeking justice I've been running into some organizations that are promoting justice through how they do business. Just Haiti is one such group. This cooperative of coffee growers in Haiti is more than just another free trade coffee seller. The management and decisions on how profits are used are made largely by the growers and people in Haiti. This is a major positive step that is not so common even in free trade organizations that claim to benefit grassroots growers. With Just Haiti they work for sustainable development in the community and the profits really do benefit locally. The top profits are not skimmed from the top by North American organizations/managers before going to the local cooperative like in some organizations.

From the website: "Just Haiti works to alleviate poverty, hunger, violence, illiteracy and disease in Haiti by fostering small-business development, education programs, employment opportunity, infrastructure improvement and environmental quality. Just Haiti is a Section 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable organization."

I feel blessed to learn about this organization from a fellow student at CTU Kim Lamberty who just earned her Doctor's in Ministry degree. I'm really impressed with her justice work in many nations.

Please consider buying coffee from this cooperative. Their cafe has a nice bold flavor that sure beats your everyday Folgers. Besides you can relax in the fact that you're supporting people working for their livelihood and contributing to a sustainable future!


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