Saturday, May 30, 2009

Definitive Incorporation -CPPS

On Wednesday June 3rd I will make my Definitive Incorporation with the Missionaries of the Precious Blood. With my family and by the grace of God I will enter a sacred covenant for life with the Precious Blood Community. I will be committing my life to the mission of the Church and the Precious Blood Community. I will promise fidelity to the society and promise to live a celibate life. I will be joined to my brothers and sisters through a bond of charity and love. After five years of growth and blessing in coming to live the charism of the Precious Blood Community I am filled with joy and gratitude to make this life commitment. Thanks be to God for many indescribable gifts!

Saint Gaspar del Bufalo
founder of the Precious Blood Missionaries, C.PP.S.

Clinical Pastoral Education -CPE

I finished the first three days of orientation to Clinical Pastoral Education at St. V's Hospital. I'm pretty much overwhelmed with all the dimensions of work in a hospital. From security to patient privacy to documentation to patient spiritual care there's just a ton of stuff to learn! I guess I just need to remember the point of all this is to best serve the people who come to the hospital sick or visiting a loved one. Each person can be weighed down by all manner of difficult experiences, life questions, and worries about their beloved. Honestly I'm frightened and humbled to step into such an important role of chaplain serving people in a place of medical care. Yet I trust that God's love is all the more present in such situations of vulnerability. Surely God will take up where I'm lacking and more! It reminds me to stay faithful in prayer trusting God's providence.

After I commit my life to the Missionaries of the Precious Blood on Wednesday I begin chaplain shifts next week Thursday 2nd shift. You might offer a prayer for me and the people I meet as I enter very unknown territory.

Dios de bendiga!

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Save Darfur

If even congress people are getting arrested for Civil Disobedience over the problems in Darfur, Sudan, this must really be a problem!!!!!

If you've ever seen the film Hotel Rwanda and the way the world failed to respond to systematic killing there, the situation in Darfur is rather similar. We really cannot ignore this kind of programmatic abuse!

Monday, May 04, 2009

Right To Water for UN Human Rights!!

Please sign the petition to add Water to the United Nation Universal Declaration of Human Rights!

Friday, May 01, 2009

WOW!!! All Electric Cars in No Time!

Now this is the kind of creative ingenuity and practical thinking that will solve global transportation and climate issues!!!! And it's with technology that already exists!

Green Jobs

Today I called my congress people encouraging renewable forms of energy in the new energy bill being hashed out on the Capitol right now. Nuclear and dirty coal really aren't the kinds of energy that will power the U.S. sustainably into a hopeful future. We need solar, wind, and geothermal power that really are continuous energy and don't contribute greenhouse gases to the atmosphere pressing the climate system. We also have lots of potential to simply use less energy through making homes and manufacturing processes more energy efficient. We would be shocked to be able to cut back energy use by 40% or more simply through insulation, more efficient heating/cooling, building design, and many other intelligent designs and technologies! I believe the time is now for the U.S. to step up and lead the world to a more sustainable future and more peaceful relationship with our earth.