Friday, March 25, 2011

Congress Keep Our Air Clean!!

Invitation from Interfaith Power and Light:

Please send Congress a message with this easy form...

Right now, Congress is debating a bill that will prevent the EPA from regulating greenhouse gases. It must be stopped. Here is how you can help:

We've been pushing for safer, clean energy alternatives for years, and for a long time it seemed as if no one was listening. But because of the tragic coal mining tragedy in West Virginia and the gulf oil catastrophe, the world is finally waking up to the pressing need for action.

You and I can make a difference in this fight. Join me in contacting your elected officials today to urge them to put a stop to this bill and allow the EPA to protect the climate.

Now is the time for people of faith to push our elected officials to care for Creation and the world's poor who are disproportionately affected by climate change.

Thanks for standing with me today.


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