Friday, October 21, 2011

Tell Congress: Protect Against Toxic Coal Ash

Coal ash has contaminated over a
hundred sites across the country. We can’t afford any more delay. Tell your Senators to oppose any effort to delay federal coal ash regulations today!

Take Action Today!

It’s no mystery: coal ash is a dangerous toxic waste that poisons drinking water supplies all over the country. Last week, the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 2273, a bill that would block the EPA’s attempt to adopt the first ever federal regulation for coal ash disposal. This week, the newest threat is in the U.S. Senate.

Our elected officials are considering plans to cut any effort the EPA makes to regulate coal ash dumps and landfills and install important safeguards that protect our water and our health. Coal ash—the byproduct of coal-fired power plants—is filled with dangerous heavy metals like mercury, arsenic, lead, selenium and much more. Living near some unlined coal ash ponds puts nearby communities at a 1 in 50 risk of developing cancer, 2,000 times greater than what is deemed acceptable! 140 million tons of coal ash are generated every year, and this waste is often dumped into unlined and unprotected ponds and landfills. Our household garbage is better regulated than toxic coal ash.

Please take a moment to contact your Senators and tell them to oppose any effort to scuttle federal regulations for coal ash. Coal ash has contaminated over a hundred sites across the country. In 2008, a massive coal ash dump in Kingston, TN, spilled over a billion gallons of coal ash, damaging two dozen homes and destroying nearby rivers and streams. There are dozens more sites just like this one, tragedies waiting to happen.

We can’t afford any more delay. Tell your Senators to oppose any effort to delay federal coal ash regulations today!

Thank you,