Thursday, February 24, 2011

In View of Downtown LA

So I'm settling in at Saint Agnes Church, Iglesia de Santa Ines in Los Angeles.
I'm excited to serve as a deacon here for the next six months!

We can see downtown LA from the house (between the palm trees).

Saint Agnes Church Building

The University of Southern California is just a few blocks away.

I love the palm trees out front of the rectory and offices.
For a Midwest farm boy, who would of thought February could look like this? 60degrees and sunny!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Kentucky Rising!

14 Activists including Wendell Berry protest Mountain Top Removal Mining by sitting in at the Governor's office in Kentucky over the weekend.

What a heartening sign that it's not enough to simply let our soil, water, and mountains be destroyed without calling out the injustice!!

More updates at Kentucky Rising Blog

How You can help Kentucky Rising against MTR!

Sojourner's Coverage, Very Interesting!:

Show you Love Mountains and see How to Challenge MTR Here:

Joyfully Ordained

My Family in Celebration!
The beautiful deacon stole I'm wearing was sown in love by my mother.

I feel incredibly blessed to be ordained as a deacon and called to serve as a Precious Blood missionary in our church. My family, friends, and the PB community have been so loving, encouraging, and supportive as I've grown and learned over these last years of seminary! I feel grateful to God, and through the ordination I sensed just how much this vocation is much larger than me. Somehow we are all called forth in the grace of God through the sacrament of ordination. May the deep life of God continue to flow through us!!

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Deacon Ordination