Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Home Film

hot springs of primordial life

How can we live in such a way that everyone and everything can truly live???

Check out the film Home that gives some perspective on the big picture facing our global community.

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Open Enough When Christ Comes

I am clearing a space—
here, where the trees stand back.
I am making a circle so open
the moon will fall in love
and stroke these grasses with her silver.

Here I will stand with my hands empty,
mind gaping under the moon.

I know there is another way to live.
When I find it, the angels
will cry out in rapture,
each cell of my body
will be a rose, a star.

If something seized my life tonight,
if a sudden wind swept through me,
changing everything,
I would not resist.
I am ready for whatever comes.

But I think it will be
something small, an animal
padding out from the shadows,
or a word spoken so softly
I hear it inside.

It is dark out here, and cold.
The moon is stone.
I am alone with my longing.
Nothing is happening
but the next breath, and the next...

-Morgan Farley