Monday, August 30, 2010

From Minnesota to the Gulf of Mexico, Smart Farming

Satellite Image of Mississippi River Emptying in the Gulf of Mexico.

This is quite a read. Very interesting how this smart farmer in Minnesota knows how his farming practices affect the ecological health of the Gulf of Mexico!

Minnesota Farmer Battles the Gulf 'Dead Zone':

More on the Science of Hypoxia, how nutrients deplete oxygen in the water creating the Dead Zone in the Gulf and the problems with Cyanobacteria (blue green algae) in Grand Lake St. Marys:

Friday, August 27, 2010

Appalachia Rising!

Charleston Press Conference for Appalachia Rising. And News Release.

Come to Washington, D.C. and challenge the scandal of Mountain Top Removal!

Many Thanks to Appalachia Rising for organizing a mobilization in D.C. to challenge our government to stop the destruction. Join the demonstration September 25-27, 2010 in Washington DC.

I hope to make the trip to act for justice. But either way I will stand in solidarity with those who are fighting for their homes and livelihoods and the healthy life of the mountains of Kentucky, West Virginia, and Virginia. I will be praying for the protesters and those who meet their politicians. I will write letters to congress, use less electricity, and share with others how terrible this kind of mining and coal use is for people and planet.

Will you join us?!

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

My Connection to Mountain Top Removal??!

What's your connection to mountain top removal? Visit
and type your zip code to find out!

More on Mountain Top Removal

A delegation from Chicago visits Coal River Mountain and Marsh Fork Elementary, West Virginia. What risks, destruction, and health problems people live with in the Appalachian Mountains every day because of mountain top coal removal!

"Some things are better with their tops left on.":

Great Website, Take Action:

Stop Mountain Removal Coal Mining!

This video gives a clear overview of the problems with Mountain Top removal coal mining. It's actually not just the top, but whole mountains and whole communities that get destroyed!

Take Action to Support the Clean Water Act and Say No to Mountain Top Removal: