Friday, June 04, 2010

We don't live where they mine, they mine where we live!

Mountain Removal Mining Destroys the mountains, the families, and local ecology. Act today to save people and planet!

Take Action!

Excerpt from an Email from Interfaith Power and Light:

"My name is Lorelei Scarbro, and I'm a Climate Convert. That means I've made a commitment to stand up and fight for creation.

I wasn't always a fighter. But I'll tell you this — there's nothing like seeing your home, your community, and your culture destroyed to make you into one.

I'd been a perfectly happy stay-at-home mom for 26 years. I had my own craft store, and was content to sit in that shop day in, and day out. My husband had a pretty decent union job. A lot of us around our part of West Virginia did.

The trouble was, we were working for a killer — Massey Energy. And that killer took everything in its path — the trees, the wildlife, and even the very mountaintops — squeezing every last bit of life out of our corner of West Virginia until it looked like a place so barren you'd never guess it used to be filled with life. It even took my husband. I lost him to black lung.

That killer is coal mining. And mining — dominated in our community by Massey Energy — won't stop. It won't stop its relentless efforts to devour yet another 6,600 acres of our home in another mountaintop removal mining project. It won't stop its stranglehold on our local economy. And it won't stop using its deep pockets to fund the lobby for keeping things just the way they are.

It won't stop until we speak out. ...


Lorelei Scarbro, Coal River Wind
on behalf of Interfaith Power & Light"

Take Action and Sign the Petition Here: