Saturday, May 01, 2010

Arizona Immigration Law Proclaimed a Social/Racial Sin

Jim Wallis of Sojourners speaks boldly about the unjust law just passed in Arizona that would force police to question anyone reasonably suspected of being in the country without permission for their paperwork. Basically this forces racial profiling and discrimination while demanding that everyone must carry their documents about their migration status in the state.

While we might be afraid of the serious changes happening in our contemporary world, we cannot justify discrimination and further injustice just to appease our fears. Immigrants are a source of life and can be a real blessing if only we can learn to embrace them. I'm not advocating that there be no criteria for migration, but only that we go much deeper than exploitative security measures and build comprehensive immigration reform.

-Read more on the God's Politics blog. Link and excerpt below.

Jim Wallis on Arizona Law

"Arizona’s SB 1070 must be named as a social and racial sin, and should be denounced as such by people of faith and conscience across the nation. This is not just about Arizona, but about all of us, and about what kind of country we want to be. It’s time to stand up to this new strategy of “deportation by attrition,” which I heard for the first time today in Arizona. It is a policy of deliberate political cruelty, and it should be remembered that “attrition” is a term of war. Arizona is deciding whether to wage war on the body of Christ. We should say that if you come after one part of the body, you come after all of us."


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