Friday, March 26, 2010

Earth Hour

Can we make this satellite night photo dark?

How much energy can we save?

Turn out the lights and all unnecessary devices for Earth Hour.

Do it for the Earth, Do it for Humanity, Do it for all Creatures!!

Saturday March 27th 8:30-9:30pm Local Time

More info and we can sign up at:

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Probing Lenten Prayer

Drive Me Deep to Face Myself

"Lord, grant me your peace,
for I have made peace
with what does not give peace,
and I am afraid.

Drive me deep, now,
to face myself so I may see
that what I truly need to fear is
my capacity to deceive
and willingness to be deceived,

my loving of things

and using of people...

my addiction to comfort

and sedation of conscience,

my readiness to criticize
and reluctance to create...

Instill in me such...quiet courage
as will enable me to begin to make

hope visible,

forgiving delightful,
loving contagious,
faith liberating,
peace-making joyful

and myself open and present

to other people
and your kingdom."

Ted Loder in Guerrillas of Grace: Prayers for the Battle, p53

(It's actually not violent like it sounds. More like the healthy jihaad of internal struggle.)